Graduate Application: Personal Statement

This essay was originally written for consideration of admission to Johns Hopkins University. It was submitted as a personal statement in November 2018, as part of the application package for the master of arts in communications program. Since applying, I have graduated from the Master of Arts, Communication Program with a concentration in Strategic Organizational Communication.

Sarah Larson
3 min readAug 7, 2021

Hopefully this gives you inspiration for your application or personal statement, a glimpse into my time at Hopkins, and the benefits of a learning culture.

After facilitating research projects across multiple organizations, analyzing, and reflecting, the strongest implication suggests framing how we communicate is a necessary construct for optimal results. Furthermore, as it becomes easier to globalize, without proper communication proficiencies a global workforce will be unsustainable. Therefore, with my background and interests, this program will enable any organization I represent to align with an increasingly diverse and ever-changing workforce.

This program stood out to me because of the research application of the degree. While my background is in organizational behavior, I use research and communication principals daily. As a Crucial Conversations Facilitator and Talent Partner, I implement organizational and developmental research within a multigenerational workforce. In addition, my focus has expanded to include the creation of a departmental website and facilitation of social media communications directed toward potential faculty and staff. However, my role is set to expand further and the need for a heavier communications background, particularly in applying research-based principles and methods, is evident.

Photo by Leo Roomets on Unsplash

From recent observational research, the field of Talent Acquisition increasingly shows intersectionality (Crenshaw, 1989). While some believe this is forward thinking, it’s essentially the opposite. Hiring managers tend to ‘stack’ an individual/employee identity with as many minority groups as possible to increase the perceived diversity of their team. Unfortunately, this increases discrimination and decreases equality. Instead, we should focus on how to treat everyone in a welcoming manner and teach communication techniques that omit unconscious bias.

In addition, in our organization as well as many others in the San Francisco Bay Area, it has become increasingly difficult to find unique candidates for staff roles. As a result, our search has expanded beyond state lines. Consequently, an increase in remote work opportunities and sourcing from our twelve global locations are inevitable. These endeavors will require the intercultural competence to recruit, retain, and develop. Understanding the evolution of communication over the past two decades, as well as its effect on both the present and the future, is imperative. Through the capability to conduct research, an organization facing these challenges will be better able to adapt its culture and flourish.

With the support of my current employer, obtaining this degree will decrease intersectionality and ensure intercultural competence within my team, colleagues, and the organization for many years to come.

Thank you for your consideration.

Courses Taken:

Strategic Communication for Program Management | Communication in Practice | Organizational Communication | Research & Writing Methods | Changing Behavior through Communication | Leading & Managing Change | Intercultural Communication | Web Writing & Content Strategy | Theory of Mass Communication Practices



Sarah Larson

Learning & Organizational Development Practitioner | Consultant | Coach | Optimist